Muhammed Siddiq, a sales manager from Dubai, told the SFC reporter that it#39;s a great experience for him to be in Canton fair. There are a lot of items which he can take. There are instruments; there are mechanical tools; there are lot of things they are buying from here. He praised that he can get all kinds of products here. If he wants cheaper products, the cheaper products are there. If he needs good quality, there#39;s good quality kind of suppliers.
2023-10-13 15:342023世界数字经济大会暨第十三届智慧城市与智能经济博览会于10月13日至15日在宁波举行,交通银行连续三年作为支持单位参与大会。作为唯一参...
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2022-08-18 11:438月16日至18日,以“虚实共生数字新未来”为主题的2022(GIAC)智能视听大会在山东省青岛市举办。在开幕式上,人民视频联合行业头部生态...
2022-08-18 11:42